Active Appearance Models - Basics

This notebook provides a basic tutorial on Active Appearance Models (AAMs). AAMs are generative parametric models that describe the shape and appearance of a certain object class; e.g. the human face. In a typical application, these models are matched against input images to obtain the set of parameters that best describe a particular instance of the object being modelled.

The aim of this short notebook is to showcase how one can build and fit AAMs to images using menpo and menpofit. It includes the following sections:

  1. Acquiring data
  2. Loading and visualizing data
  3. Building a simple AAM
  4. Fit a simple AAM

1. Acquiring data

AAMs are typically build from a large collection of annotated images. In this notebook we will build AAMs from annotated images of the human face and, consequently, this is the object our AAMs will model.

The Breaking Bad image in Menpo's data folder is a good example of this kind of annotated images:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path

import as mio
from menpo.visualize import print_progress

breakingbad = mio.import_builtin_asset.breakingbad_jpg()
breakingbad = breakingbad.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.5)

In this notebook, we will build AAMs using one of the most popular and widely used annotated facial databases, the Labeled Faces Parts in the Wild (LFPW) database. Both images and corresponding facial landmark annotations are publicly available and can be downloaded from the following link:

In order to continue with this notebook, the user is required to simply:

  • Click on the previous link.
  • Fill out the form with his/her details.
  • Proceed to download the LFPW database.
  • Unzip and save the LFPW database to a location of his/her like.
  • Paste the path to the local copy of the LFPW database on the next cell.

Note that the .zip file containing the whole annotated database is of approximately 350MB.

In [2]:
path_to_lfpw = Path('/vol/atlas/databases/lfpw/')

2. Loading and visualizing data

The first step in building our AAM will be to import all the images and annotations of the training set of LFPW database. Luckily, Menpo's io module allows us to do exactly that using only a few lines of code:

In [3]:
import as mio

training_images = []
# load landmarked images
for i in mio.import_images(path_to_lfpw / 'trainset', verbose=True):
    # crop image
    i = i.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.1)
    # convert it to greyscale if needed
    if i.n_channels == 3:
        i = i.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
    # append it to the list

Found 811 assets, index the returned LazyList to import.

The previous cell loads all the images of the LFPW together with their corresponding landmark annotations.

Note that here the images are cropped in order to save some valuable memory space and, for simplicity, also converted to greyscale.

The Menpo ecosystem is well equiped with a series of predefined Jupyter Notebook widgets for the most common data visualization tasks. In order to check if the data has been correctly imported we will use the visualize_images widget. Note that menpowidgets must be installed before widgets can be used.

In [4]:
from menpowidgets import visualize_images


3. Building a simple AAM

Deformable models, in general, and AAMs, in particular, are a one of the core concept of Menpo and all efforts have been put to facilitate their usage. In fact, given a list of training images, an AAM can be built using a single line of code.

In [5]:
from menpofit.aam import HolisticAAM
from menpo.feature import no_op

# build AAM
aam = HolisticAAM(

- Computing reference shape                                                     Computing batch 0
- Building models
  - Done
/home/nontas/Documents/Research/menpofit/menpofit/ MenpoFitModelBuilderWarning: The reference shape passed is not a TriMesh or subclass and therefore the reference frame (mask) will be calculated via a Delaunay triangulation. This may cause small triangles and thus suboptimal warps.

Note that here we import a feature to use from menpo.features. In this very basic case we actually do not want to use a feature at all - so we use the special no_op feature that does nothing. Features are in general required to get good fitting performance, hence the default feature_type is actually igo.

As first class citizens of Menpo, AAMs can be printed just like any other Menpo object (e.g. Images or PointClouds):

In [6]:

Holistic Active Appearance Model
 - Images scaled to diagonal: 120.00
 - Images warped with DifferentiablePiecewiseAffine transform
 - Scales: [1]
   - Scale 1
     - Holistic feature: no_op
     - Appearance model class: PCAModel
       - 810 appearance components
     - Shape model class: OrthoPDM
       - 132 shape components
       - 4 similarity transform parameters

Printing an AAM is the easiest way to retrieve its specific characteristics. For example, printing the previous AAM tells us that it was built using pixel intensities (no_op features), amongst several other things.

AAMs also define an instance method that allows us to generate novel AAM instances by applying a set of particular weights to the components of their shape and apperance models:

In [7]:
# using default parameters

# varying shape parameters
aam.instance(shape_weights=[1.0, 0.5, -2.1]).view(new_figure=True);

# varying appearance parameters
aam.instance(appearance_weights=[2.7, 3.5, 0.9]).view(new_figure=True);

# varying both
aam.instance(shape_weights=[1.0, 0.5, -2.1], appearance_weights=[2.7, 3.5, 0.9]).view(new_figure=True);

/home/nontas/Documents/Research/menpofit/menpofit/ MenpoFitModelBuilderWarning: The reference shape passed is not a TriMesh or subclass and therefore the reference frame (mask) will be calculated via a Delaunay triangulation. This may cause small triangles and thus suboptimal warps.

Furthermore, menpofit is equiped with a powerfull widget that allow us to explore AAMs:

In [8]:

You can also independently visualize the shape and the appearance models using widgets

In [9]:

In [10]:

4. Fit a simple AAM

In Menpo, AAMs can be fitted to images by creating Fitter objects around them.

One of the most popular and well known family of algorithms for fitting AAMs is the one based around the original Lucas-Kanade algorithm for Image Alignment. In order to fit our AAM using an algorithms of the previous family, Menpo allows the user to define a LucasKanadeAAmFitter object. Again, using a single line of code!!!

In [11]:
from menpofit.aam import LucasKanadeAAMFitter

# define Lucas-Kanade based AAM fitter
fitter = LucasKanadeAAMFitter(aam, n_shape=0.9, n_appearance=0.9)

The previous cell has created a LucasKanadeAAMFitter that will fit images using 90% of the variance present on the AAM's shape and appearance models and that will use the default LucasKanade algorithm for fitting AAMs.

Fitting a LucasKanadeAAMFitter to an image is as simple as calling its fit_from_shape method. Let's try it by fitting some images of the LFPW database test set!!!

In [12]:
# load test images
test_images = []
for i in mio.import_images(path_to_lfpw / 'testset', max_images=5, verbose=True):
    # crop image
    i = i.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.5)
    # convert it to grayscale if needed
    if i.n_channels == 3:
        i = i.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
    # append it to the list

Found 5 assets, index the returned LazyList to import.

Note that for the purpose of this simple fitting demonstration we will just fit the first 5 images of the LFPW test set.

In [13]:
from menpofit.fitter import noisy_shape_from_bounding_box

fitting_results = []

# fit images
for i in test_images:
    # obtain ground truth (original) landmarks
    gt_s = i.landmarks['PTS'].lms
    # generate initialization shape
    initial_s = noisy_shape_from_bounding_box(gt_s, gt_s.bounding_box())
    # fit image
    fr = fitter.fit_from_shape(i, initial_s, gt_shape=gt_s)
    # print fitting error

Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0667
Final error: 0.0281
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0599
Final error: 0.0223
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0318
Final error: 0.0323
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0666
Final error: 0.0847
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0513
Final error: 0.0536

Menpo's Fitter objects save the result of their fittings using Menpo's FittingResult objects. Being a Fitter object itself, the LucasKanadeAAMFitter is no exception to the rule and, consequently, the result obtained by executing the previous cell is a list of FittingResult objects.

FittingResult objects are core Menpo objects that allow the user to print, visualize and analyse the results produced by Fitter objects. Like all Menpo's core objects FittingResult are printable. Note that, they were printed inside of the previous fitting loop in order to display the final fitting error for each fitted image.

Apart from being printable, FittingResult objects also allow the user to quickly visualize the initial shape from which the fitting algorithm started from and the final fitting result:

In [14]:
fr = fitting_results[1]

In [15]:


In [16]:

Again, there exist a menpofit IPython Notebook widget that facilitates the visualization of FittingResult.

In [17]:
from menpowidgets import visualize_fitting_result
